Pay Grades

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Pay Grades

The Pay Grades tab in Compensation Management allows you to define the pay grade structures that exist within your organization. There is no limit to the number of pay grade structures that you can create, though you must enter each pay grade structure separately. You may manually enter your pay grade structures OR download a template to import a file containing your pay grade structure with either values or jobs. Users may also share Organization profiles (including pay grade lists) with other users on the same account.  The Pay Grades tab also includes a number of charts that allow the user to view the various pay grades and overlaps in the structure.  Users can now add geographic markets to the pay grade structures and choose localization options for each market.


To Manually Add a Pay Grade Structure

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Click to open the Pay Grade Structures dialog.

3.Click to open the New Structures dialog.

4.Enter the Structure Name.

5.Enter the # of Grades.  (The limit is 500 grades in a pay grade structure).

6.Select a Pay Period (annual, monthly, semi-monthly, weekly, or hourly).  The default pay period is annual. Note: The pay period selected will be displayed above the main table in the Pay Grades tab.

7.Select 3 Levels OR 5 Levels for the Cut Points Per Grade. Note: Once selected, Pay Period and Cut Points cannot be changed.

8.Click OK in the New Structures dialog.

9.Click OK in the Pay Grade Structures dialog.

10.Whether you use 3 or 5 levels for Cut Points Per Grade, define the ranges for each Grade in the Grade Structure columns (3 levels is most common).


To Import a Pay Grade Structure with Values

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Click the button to download and save a .CSV file template.

3.Select Structures with Values Template.

4.Select 3 Levels OR 5 Levels for the Cut Points Per Grade.

5.Click OK.

6.Open the .CSV file template using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

7.Fill out the template.  Required columns are marked with an asterisk (*).

8.Once the list is complete, save the file in a .CSV (comma delimited) format.

9.Click the button to open the Upload Pay Grade dialog.

10.Enter the name to be used to save this list.

11.Select a Pay Period (annual, monthly, semi-monthly, weekly, or hourly).  The default pay period is annual. Note: The pay period selected will be displayed above the main table in the Pay Grades tab.

12.Select Create Structure with Values.

13.Select 3 Levels OR 5 Levels for the Cut Points Per Grade. Note: Once selected, Pay Period and Cut Points cannot be changed.

14.Click Browse to select your file in the .CSV format and then click Open. Then click Upload.  

15.In the Upload list from file dialog, a message will display the rows that you have successfully imported.

16.Click OK.


To Import a Pay Grade Structure with Jobs

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Click the button to download and save a .CSV file template.

3.Select Structures with Jobs Template.

4.Click OK.

5.Open the .CSV file template using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

6.Fill out the template.  Required columns are marked with an asterisk (*). See note below.

7.Once the list is complete, save the file in a .CSV (comma delimited) format.

8.Click the button to open the Upload Pay Grade dialog.

9.Enter the name to be used to save this list.

10.Select a Pay Period (annual, monthly, semi-monthly, weekly, or hourly).  The default pay period is annual. Note: The pay period selected will be displayed above the main table in the Pay Grades tab.

11.Select 3 Levels OR 5 Levels for the Cut Points Per Grade. Note: Once selected, Pay Period and Cut Points cannot be changed.

12.Select Create Structure with Jobs.

13.Click Browse to select your file in the .CSV format and then click Open. Then click Upload.  

14.In the Upload list from file dialog, a message will display the rows that you have successfully imported. To export this list, click .

15.Click OK.

16.If any jobs failed to upload, follow instructions below To Manually Add Jobs to a Pay Grade.


Note: The Structures with Jobs Template will include a column for Experience and organization size.  The organization size metric displayed will be Revenue, Assets, Fiscal Year Budget, OR # of Employees depending on the organization size metric selected under Analysis based on in Compensation Management Settings.


To Manually Add Jobs to a Pay Grade

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.Click on the Jobs Within Grade column for a specified grade to open the Jobs for Pay Grade dialog.

4.Click .

5.Select a job in the Browse Jobs dialog and click OK.

6.Click on the Analysis Based On column and change the default size to Years of Experience, Level, Revenue, Assets, Fiscal Year Budget, OR Number of Employees the job, as needed.  The organization size metric displayed for the job depends on the selection made under Analysis based on in Compensation Management Settings.

7.Repeat steps 4-6 until all jobs are added for the specified grade.

8.To reset all modifications in the Analysis Based On column to the default settings, click Reset Analysis.


Note: The maximum number of jobs allowed for Jobs Within Grade is 60 jobs per grade.


To Customize Organization Data

See Compensation Management Settings


To Share an Organization Profile

See My Organizations


To Add a Pay Grade

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.Click Add Pay Grade to add a row to the table.


To Delete a Pay Grade

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.To delete a single pay grade, click . If this pay grade is referenced in other areas, the reference will be deleted

4.To delete all pay grades in the structure, click .  If these pay grade are referenced in other areas, the references will be deleted

5.Click OK to confirm the deletion.


To Edit Jobs in a Pay Grade

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.Click on the Jobs Within Grade column for a specified grade.

4.To delete a single job in a pay grade, highlight a job and click .

5.To delete all jobs in the pay grade, click .


Note: Shared Organization profiles may be designated as read-only.


To Set Default Assumptions

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.Click .

4.Select either Set Midpoint to Market OR Midpoint Progression. Note: To use Midpoint Progression, you must first add jobs to the specified grade using the Jobs Within Grade column.

5.To define the Midpoint Progression, enter a percentage (%) AND select Lowest Grade OR Highest Grade to tie to the market.  Then, enter a percentage (%) for Min - Max Range.

6.Select Do not upgrade dates from future updates and click on the calendar field to Select Salary Planning Date OR deselect Do not upgrade dates from future updates to allow data updates to overwrite current data (the default).  See note below.

7.Click OK.  

8.If you selected Midpoint Progression but have not yet added jobs to the specified grade using the Jobs Within Grade column, then the Default Assumptions will revert back to Set Midpoint to Market.


Note: If you select Do not upgrade dates from future updates in Default Assumptions, then Manage Markets will display the Localization and Adjustment columns as read-only, and the Localization will be set to User Specified. While checked, all pay grades will be stored as user-defined and will not update based on future database updates. See To Add a Geographic Market.


To Reset to Default Assumptions

1.Click .  This will recalculate all fields in the Grade Structure section, based on the specified Default Assumptions, for all grades in the selected structure.

2.Click Yes, Reset Default Assumptions.


To Modify Percentiles

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.Click .

4.Select a low percentile, average, and high percentile for use in the Market Rates of Jobs columns.

5.To revert to the default percentiles, click .

6.Click OK.


To Add a Geographic Market

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a saved pay grade structure.

3.Click the Manage Markets button.

4.Click Add Market.

5.In the Browse Areas dialog, select an area for the market and click OK.

6.Repeat steps 4-5 until all markets have been added.  Duplicate markets cannot be added for the same pay grade structure.

7.Select one of the markets as the Base Location OR select No Base Location.

8.For each market added, click on the Localization column and select one of these options:

Use Local Market Rates

Set as a percentage of base location – data will be automatically localized based on the Base Location selected.

Adjust using ERI's Cost of Labor Differentials – data will be automatically localized based on the Base Location selected.

Adjust using ERI's Cost of Living Differentials – data will be automatically localized based on the Base Location selected.

User Specified – see note below.

9.If you selected Set as a percentage of base location as the Localization option for a market, then enter a percentage value in the Adjustment column.  Pay grades will be raised or lowered based on the specified percentage.

10.To delete a single market, click for the selected market.

11.To delete all markets in the pay grade structure, click .

12.Click OK.


Note: When User Specified is selected as the Localization option, then the Grade Structure columns will use values specified by the user. All Localization options, except for User Specified, use various calculations to automatically populate the Grade Structure fields. If the Localization is set to an option other than User Specified and the user manually updates a Grade Structure field, then the Localization for that Market will be automatically updated to User Specified after the user approves the use of custom Grade Structure values in a notification.


Also note: If you select Do not upgrade dates from future updates in Default Assumptions, then Manage Markets will display the Localization and Adjustment columns as read-only, and the Localization will be set to User Specified.  See To Set Default Assumptions.


To Modify the Grade Structure Values

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.In the Grade Structure columns, click on a cell under Min, (Mid Low), Midpoint, (Mid High), or Max (depending on your selection of 3 or 5 levels) for a specified grade to modify the value.


To Rename a Pay Grade Structure

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Click .

3.Enter a new name for a pay grade structure in the table.

4.Click OK.


To Save a Copy of a Pay Grade Structure

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a pay grade structure.

3.Click the button.

4.Enter a new name for the pay grade structure copy.

5.Click OK.


To Delete a Pay Grade Structure

1.Navigate to the Pay Grades tab of Compensation Management.

2.Select a saved pay grade structure.

3.To delete the entire pay grade structure, click .

4.To delete a single pay grade in a structure, click .  Then, highlight a pay grade in the structure and click .

5.To delete all pay grades in the structure, click and click .


Note: If the pay grade structure(s) that you have selected to delete is referenced on the Employee List or Incentive Plan tab, then you will receive a warning before the deletion is completed.


To View Charts

Click the button.


Note: The Overall Pay Grade Structure chart is available after completion of one or more pay grade structures, but the Employee List tab must be completed before the other pay grade charts can be displayed.


To Sort Data

See Sort Table


To Add Departments

See Departments


To Add Merit Plans

See Rewards


To Add an Employee List

See Employee List


To Add a Budget

See Budget


To Customize Organization Data

See Organization Data