Browse Jobs

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Browse Jobs

To Select a Job Title

1.From Individual Profile OR Total Compensation, begin typing a search string (i.e., the name of the job you are looking for) in the Job Title field and click on the desired job listed OR click the Browse button in the Job Title field to open the Browse Jobs dialog.

From Benchmark List OR Survey & Proxy Analyses, click the button to open the Browse Jobs dialog.   To change a job already displayed in the table, click on the selected job in the table and click the Browse button to open the Browse Jobs dialog.
From Peer Analyses, see Choose Executives - Step 2.
From Advanced Reports, double-click on a row in the Jobs table OR click the button to open the Browse Jobs dialog.

2.Click the drop-down Filters menu to select how jobs will be displayed in the dialog:

All Jobs (the default)

ERI Jobs -- this option will display all ERI jobs available in the user's subscription level.

Hybrid Jobs -- this options will display only hybrid jobs.  (Note: Hybrid Jobs are not available in Survey & Proxy Analyses.)

Jobs by Industry -- this option will display only those jobs related to the user's currently selected industry.

Internal Jobs -- displays only those internal jobs saved in the selected Organization profile (See note below)

3.The Browse Jobs dialog allows you to search for and select a job title:

Type all or part of a job title in the search field.  Select ERI Job Title in the drop-down menu to the right (this is the default option).

To search by code instead of job title, select eDOT Code, SOC Code, or ERI Code in the drop-down menu and enter a numeric code in the search field.

All job titles containing the words or numbers entered in the search field are displayed.  The following data are shown for each job title: eDOT Code, SOC Code, ERI Code, and Salary by Level (Sal By Lev).

4.Click the Advanced Search button to find and export ERI job titles and job descriptions based on keywords, job hierarchy level, job family, and/or industry. (Note: Advanced Search is not available in Survey & Proxy Analyses.)

5.Click the Hybrid Jobs button to customize a hybrid job. (Note: Hybrid Jobs are not available in Survey & Proxy Analyses.)

6.Click on one of the job titles listed to view the Job Description.  (Note: Job descriptions are not available for Hybrid Jobs).

7.Click OK to return to the main table where the selected job will be listed.


Note: The job list available in the Survey & Proxy Analyses table is a smaller subset of the total jobs available in the Individual Profile and other pages. Advanced Search and Hybrid Jobs are not available on the Survey & Proxy Analyses page.


Note: Enhanced subscriptions that include the My Organizations feature allow users to match their internal job titles to ERI job titles in saved internal job lists.


To Select an Internal Job for an Organization Profile

See Add Internal Jobs to an Organization


To Select Multiple Benchmark Jobs

1.From the Benchmark List, click the button to open the Browse Jobs dialog.   To change a job already displayed in the table, click on the selected job in the table and click the Browse button to open the Browse Jobs dialog.

2.To select multiple job titles to add to the Benchmark List, use one of these two techniques in the Browse Jobs dialog:

Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while clicking a second job title to select all jobs between the first and the second selected job title.

Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting a second job title to add that job only. 

3.Click OK to return to the Benchmark List where the selected job titles will be listed.


To Do an Advanced Search

See Advanced Search


For Definitions of Job Hierarchy Levels

See Job Hierarchy Levels


To Search by Job Family

See Search Job Families


To Search by Industry

See Search Industries


To Submit a New Title

See Suggest a Title


To Create a List of Comparable Companies

See Build a Company List - Step 1


To Create a List of Executives

See Choose Executives - Step 2


To Create an Organization Profile

See My Organizations


To View a List of All ERI Jobs  

See Data Availability