Individual Profile Background

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Individual Profile Background

By default, the Individual Profile table displays five columns of salary range data for a minimum of three different organization sizes. (The number of rows can be increased.  See Change Organization Size.) The center value, mean or median, along with the associated standard error and size variable, are the real dollar values stored in the Executive Compensation Assessor databases.  Incentive and Total Cash values are also displayed under the Compensation Type selection.


Job Title

Begin typing a search string (i.e., the name of the job you are looking for) in the Job Title field and click on the desired job listed OR click the Browse button in the Job Title field to open the Browse Jobs dialog.



The salary table illustrates the competitive norm data for the selected job.  The salaries shown in this table are adjusted by the organization size shown in the Organization Data panel.  If the job in question is sensitive to industry, time, geographic area, or organizational size, it is imperative that the user adjust the program's basic size and area dimensions.  To make these adjustments, click on Organization Data.  


To Display Base Salary, Total Cash,  or Incentive

See Compensation Type


To Change the Pay Period

See Pay Period


To Change Organization Size

See Change Organization Size


To Customize Percentiles

See Modify Percentiles


Organization Data

The Executive Compensation Assessor produces two projections for each job: (1) one that is unadjusted (a national value), and (2) the fully adjusted estimate varied by industry, size, geographic area. and time.  Because of this, the Executive Compensation Assessor contains the Organization Data panel of queries regarding the nature of the organization in which the jobs exist.  To assist with a quick review, the application displays the last inputted data upon startup (initially with the National Average data).  Enter general information concerning the subject organization in the Organization Data panel, including the organization name (if it is required on any printouts).


Other adjustments may include:



Click the Browse button in the Area field in the Organization Data panel to open the Browse Areas dialog.  



For industry-specific jobs, the selection of an industry code will also alter the resulting estimates of the Executive Compensation Assessor.  The application automatically displays an eSIC industry description based on the code selected.  To determine the appropriate eSIC number or select from the lists of available industries, use the Industries dialog.  


Note: For jobs that only exist in a single industry, the industry is automatically assigned by ERI in the read-only Sector field.


Analysis Based on

The organization size defaults to Revenue.  However, Assets, Fiscal Year Budget (FYB), or # or Employees can be used depending on the eSIC code. The industry selection, or eSIC code, will often affect the organization size choices available.  For example, some Finance industries, such as Depository Institutions (eSIC 6000), will be reported by Asset size.  Revenue or # of Employees can be selected for any industry.  See Change Organization Size.


Planning Date

The Planning Date is initially set to the computer's system date, or "today's" date.  If this date does not equal the "Database Date," a non-zero Annualized Salary Trend will display. (Only differences greater than or equal to one month have an effect.)  All salaries will be adjusted by this percentage to reflect the increase or decrease of salaries due to time.  This "Prorated" percentage is compounded monthly.  To nullify these adjustments, set the Planning Date to the "Data as of" date. The source of the default annualized salary trend value is the latest ERI Salary Increase Report.  See Salary Planning Date.


Note: When any of the top six executive titles is chosen, the default Annualized Salary Trend is not used to trend the data forward or backward; the application uses actual public data to trend it.  In this case, the Annualized Salary Trend in Organization Data will display "data driven," and the Adjust button will not appear below the Annualized Salary Trend field. See FAQ #7 for information on setting the salary planning date for the top six executives.


Also note:  The Executive Compensation Assessor reports the most recently available data.  When you set the Planning Date back in time, the application trends the most recent data to the selected date.  It does not pull data from a historical database.


Salary Graph

The Salary Graph graphically profiles a job so the user can, at a glance, understand how a salary continuously changes as the organization size changes.  The top curve represents "range maximum" salaries; the middle curve represents "mean or median" salaries; and the bottom curve represents "range minimum" salaries.  The percentiles may be changed for range maximum and minimum salaries (see Modify Percentiles).


Job Descriptions

See Job Description for more information.


To Create an Organization Profile

See My Organizations


To View a List of All ERI Areas or Jobs  

See Data Availability


To Sort the Table

See Sort Table


To Export to a PDF

See Export to PDF


To Export an Excel Spreadsheet

See Export to Excel


To Print

See Printing


For definitions of terms, please see the Online Business Glossary and the Executive Compensation Assessor Methodology.