Browse Areas

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Browse Areas

To Select an Area

1.From any of the main tables: In Organization Data, click the Browse button in the Area field to open the Browse Areas dialog.

From Advanced Reports: Double-click on a row in the Areas table OR click the button to open the Browse Areas dialog.

2.Use any of these five tabs in the Browse Areas dialog to select an area:

ERI Areas

Radius Search

User-Defined Averages

Browse by Region

Internal Areas (see My Organizations)

3.In the ERI Areas tab, use the toggle to search by area name OR postal code.  You may select one of the five available filters (All Areas, User-Defined Averages, United States, Canada, or Europe) to narrow the display of available areas. Scroll through the area list and click on the desired area.

4.To select multiple areas for the Advanced Reports, use one of these techniques:

Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while clicking a second city to select all cities between the first and the second selected cities.

Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting a second city to add that city only. 

5.Click OK to return to the main table.


Note: Enhanced subscriptions that include the My Organizations feature allow users to create lists of Internal Areas.


To Search by Postal Code

1.Click the ERI Areas tab.

2.Use the toggle to select Postal Code Search.


To Search for Cities within a Radius

Click the Radius Search tab.


To Create a User-Defined Average

Click the User-Defined Average tab.


To Narrow the Search by Region

Click the Browse button to Browse by Region.


To Create an Organization Profile

See My Organizations


To View a List of All ERI Areas

See Data Availability