Browse by Region

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Browse by Region

The Browse By Region tab in the Browse Areas dialog allows you to:

Narrow your search for a city if you know the nation, state/region, or county/sub-region

Create or select a User-Defined Average

Add multiple areas to Advanced Reports


To Narrow the Search by Region

1.Click on the Select Nation field and select an area from the drop-down list.  The state or regional averages in the selected nation will be listed under Available Areas.

2.To narrow the area, click on the Select State (or Select Region) field and select an area from the drop-down list.   The cities in the selected state/region will be listed under Available Areas.

3.To further narrow the area, click on the Select County (or Select Sub-Region) field and select an area from the drop-down list.  The cities in the selected county/sub-region will be listed under Available Areas.

4.To move a single highlighted area under Available Areas to the Selected Areas list, click the button.

5.Click OK to return to the main table with the area is selected.


To Create a User-Defined Average

1.Follow steps 1 - 3 above in To Narrow the Search by Region

2.Select multiple Available Areas using one of these two techniques:

Hold down the Shift key on your keyboard while clicking a second city to select all cities between the first and the second selected cities. This allows you to select a group of areas that are contiguous (i.e. next to each other).

Hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting an additional city.  This allows you to select multiple areas that are anywhere on your list, not necessarily next to each other.

3.Add multiple selected areas to the Selected Areas list using these tools:

To move all of the areas listed under Available Areas to the Selected Areas list, click the button.

To move highlighted areas listed under Available Areas to the Selected Areas list, click the button.

To remove all of the areas listed under Selected Areas, click the button.

To remove highlighted areas listed under Selected Areas, click the button.

4.Type a unique name for your average in the Enter UDA Name field.  

5.Click Create New UDA.

6.A message will confirm the successful creation of a new UDA.  Click OK to exit this message.

7.Click OK to exit the Browse Areas dialog.  The new area will be selected in the main table and saved under the User-Defined Averages filter.


To Add Multiple Cities to a Table

1.Follow steps 1 - 3 above in To Create a User-Defined Average

2.When you are finished adding cities in the Browse Areas dialog, click OK to display these areas in Advanced Reports.


To Select a User-Defined Average

1.Select a UDA from the drop-down menu next to Saved UDAs.

2.Click OK. The new area will be selected in the main table


Please Note:  Some counties may be listed for which there is no survey data.  No cities will be available for these counties.  If this is the case, from the Browse By Region tab in the Browse Areas dialog, click the Cancel button.  Then, restart using the Browse Areas dialog.


To Create an Organization Profile

See My Organizations


To View a List of All ERI Areas

See Data Availability