Modify Percentiles

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Modify Percentiles

To Change Percentiles or Mean/Median in Individual Profile, Benchmark List, or Advanced Reports

1.From the Individual Profile, Benchmark List, or Advanced Reports table: Click on the Percentiles button.
2.In the Modify Percentiles dialog, select the desired percentiles or mean/median using the drop-down menus:

For two Low Percentiles, you may select range minimum percentiles between the 10th percentile and the 45th percentile.  

For the Average, you may select either mean or median.  

For two High Percentiles, you may select range maximum percentiles between the 55th percentile and the 90th percentile.

3.Select Default to reset the percentiles to 10th, 25th, mean, 75th, and 90th percentiles.

4.Click OK.



To Change Percentiles or Mean/Median in Survey & Proxy Analyses or Total Compensation

1.From Survey & Proxy Analyses or Total Compensation, click on the Percentiles field above the table (the default display is Mean).

2.Select either the mean, median, 10th, 25th, 75th, or 90th percentile.

3.All of the pay elements for each job reflect the new setting.



See Percentiles and Mean/Median for definitions of terms and more background information.