Using XA FAQ #7

Frequently Asked Questions

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Using XA FAQ #7

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION: When I select one of the top six jobs, such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and edit the Annualized Salary Trend, the salary values for CEO do not change.  Why?


For the top six executive jobs – Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), Executive Vice President (EVP), Chief Sales & Marketing Officer (CSMO), Chief Human Resource Officer (CHR), and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) – ERI databases extend back to 1985 for each industry, with regression lines cut over time specific to each position and industry.  Since these trend lines are created from actual data, the Annualized Salary Trend line is "industry and job specific" and does not impact the salaries for the top six executive jobs (as opposed to other executive jobs, where the trend line is estimated and one can change/edit this estimate).


To Change the Annualized Salary Trend

See Salary Planning Date