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The Sales Incentives sub-tab of Rewards allows you to analyze, define, and customize sales incentive plans and calculate commissions for sales employees. The Sales Incentive plan pulls data from the Employee List. The updated Sales Incentives sub-tab now allows users to create multiple sales incentive plans, as well as assign payout periods and draw amounts to sales measures. It includes a dynamic Employee Sales Incentive table to review employee sales performance and calculated total sales incentives. Administrators can assign sales incentive plans for review by delegated managers using the Manager Audit Tool.
To Create a Sales Incentives Plan Manually
1.Navigate to the Rewards tab of Compensation Management.
2.Navigate to the Sales Incentives sub-tab.
3.Click Create New Plan.
4.Enter a name for this sales incentives plan and click Create.
5.In the Define Sales Incentives Plan dialog, click Add Measures. (The Define Sales Incentives Plan dialog can also be accessed by clicking Define Plan on the main page).
6.In the Select Measures dialog, select one or more measures. Click on for definitions of measures. Click OK.
7.In the Define Sales Incentives Plan dialog, select a Pay Out Period for each measure.
8.To delete a single measure, highlight a measure in the table and click the button.
9.To delete all measures, click the button.
10.To apply a draw amount, select Apply Draw Amount. Then, select a Pay Period (Annual, Monthly, Semi-Monthly, or Weekly) and enter a draw value. (Applying a draw advances a commission payment to an employee each pay period. At the end of the sales cycle, the draw amount will be deducted from the total commission earned.)
11.Click Apply.
12.In the Add Employee List Jobs dialog, type a job in the Job Title search field OR scroll through the job list to select one or more Employee List jobs. (The Add Employee List Jobs dialog can also be accessed by clicking Add Job Title on the main page).
13.Click Add Jobs.
14.In the Manage Jobs dialog, review the list of Employee List jobs applied to the Sales Incentive plan. (The Manage Jobs dialog can also be accessed by clicking Manage Jobs on the main page).
15.To add an additional job, click Add Job Title.
16.To delete a single job, highlight a job in the table and click the button.
17.To delete all jobs, click the button.
18.Once your job list is complete in the Manage Jobs dialog, click OK.
19.Enter data in the Targets, Commissions and Measures of Performance table by manually entering values in the columns for Targets and Commissions and Pay Out OR by uploading a .CSV file (follow the steps below To Import a Sales Incentives Plan).
To Import a Sales Incentives Plan
1.Follow the steps 1-18 above To Create a Sales Incentives Plan Manually.
2.Click to download and save a .CSV file template.
3.Open the .CSV file template using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. The template will automatically be populated with your selected measures.
4.Enter values in all of the columns needed to define the measures in your Sales Incentive plan. Required columns are marked with an asterisk (*).
5.Once the list is complete, save the file in a .CSV (comma delimited) format.
6.Click .
7.In the Upload Sales Incentive Plan via CSV dialog, click the Browse button to select the saved file.
8.Click the Upload button to import the file.
9.In the Upload list from file dialog, the rows that have been successfully imported are displayed. If the .CSV file contains any errors, then a message will display the number of errors encountered during the import and will list the data needing review.
10.To export the results to Excel, click .
11.In the Choose Export Preferences dialog, select one of more of these options to export:
12.Click OK in the Choose Export Preferences dialog.
13.Click OK in the Upload list from file dialog.
To Search by Employee Name
Enter an employee name in the Search Employee field and click Enter.
To Schedule an Employee Data Review
Use the toggle to select Current Year OR Next Year in the Review and Audit Employee Data for field.
To Import Employee Performance Data
1.Click .
2.In the Download Template dialog, select a Pay Period (Annual, Monthly, Semi-Monthly, or Weekly) for use in this template.
3.Click Download and save the .CSV file template.
4.Open the .CSV file template using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
5.Enter a list of employee performance data for each pay period. Required columns are marked with an asterisk (*). The upload limit is 25,000 rows of data.
6.Once the list is complete, save the file in a .CSV (comma delimited) format.
7.Click .
8.In the Update Employee Performance dialog, click the Browse button to select the saved file.
9.Select a Pay Period (Annual, Monthly, Semi-Monthly, or Weekly) to update the Employee List.
10.Click the Upload button to import the file.
11.A message will display the rows that you have successfully imported. The Update Information dialog will display any rows that failed to import successfully, such as job titles that are already tied to another plan OR employees that are not tied to the current plan. Only available job titles can be included in the Sales Incentive plan.
12.Click OK.
Note: You can only update the Employee List with performance data via upload for one Pay Period at a time.
To Review Employee Sales Performance and Total Sales Incentives
1.Click the arrow next to a specific Employee Name to expand the table and display data for Monthly Measures and Calculated Total Sales Incentives.
2.Click on a value in the Total Units row to edit employee sales performance for the pay period and recalculate the Total Sales Incentives.
To Save a Copy of a Sales Incentives Plan
See Save List
To Rename a Sales Incentives Plan
See Save List
To Delete a Sales Incentives Plan
See Save List
To Customize Merit Increases
See Merit Increases
To Create an Incentive Plan
See Incentive Plan
To Customize Discretionary Incentives
To Customize Benefits Plans
To Customize Organization Data
See Compensation Management Settings
To Share an Organization Profile
See My Organizations