Manager Audit Tool

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Manager Audit Tool

In Compensation Management, the Manager Audit Tool allows a Manager Audit Coordinator to delegate Employee List review to department managers and allows Employee List data to be shared between the Manager Audit Coordinator and department managers on the same account.  The Manager Audit Coordinator can select which columns will be visible to a manager in the Employee List and can assign multiple Employee Lists to a single manager.


To Access the Manager Audit Tool

1.Log in as the Manager Audit Coordinator. The Manager Audit Coordinator is a specific user assigned by the Account Administrator for your ERI account.  See Account Administration.

2.Navigate to the Dashboard in Compensation Management.

3.Click to access the Manager Audit Tool.


Note: The Manager Audit Coordinator is the selected user to oversee the Manager Audit functionality. Only the Manager Audit Coordinator can open the Manager Audit Tool on the Compensation Management Dashboard.


To Assign a Manager Audit Coordinator

See Account Administration.


To Give a Department Manager an Assignment

1.Log in as the Manager Audit Coordinator.  

2.Open the Manager Audit Tool.

3.To add managers to your account, contact ERI and include the first name, last name, and email address of each manager that you would like to add.

4.Click Refresh Available Managers to view the available manager(s) tied to your account.

5.Click Edit for a specific manager.

6.Click Add Assignment. An Assignment is defined as a specified Employee List and the Department(s) the manager is responsible for auditing in the selected Employee List.  

7.Enter the Assignment Name.

8.Select an Employee List from the drop-down menu.

9.Select one or more Departments to assign to the manager. There is no limit to the number of departments that a manager can be assigned at a given time.  Multiple managers cannot be assigned the same Employee List/Department combination.  If a manager has already been assigned an Employee List/Department combination, then the Department will not be selectable again.

10.Edit the default instructions for the manager, as needed, in the Assignment Instructions field.

11.Click Reset to Default Instructions to reset to the default Assignment Instructions, as needed.

12.Click OK to save your assignment(s) for this manager.

13.Activate the manager by clicking in the Status field to switch from Deactivate (the default) to Activate.  Activating this manager will send the Manager Audit Coordinator's data to the manager's account, including industry selection and all data associated with each assigned employee. Changes made by the Manager Audit Coordinator after activation will not be reflected in the manager's account.  A manager must have at least one assignment in order to be activated. Click Yes, activate to complete the activation.

14.Click and select Send Invite to send the activated manager an email with initial instructions on how to review the assigned group of employees.  You may edit the email prior to sending.  Click Resend to send the email again at a later time.

15.Click OK to return to the Manager Audit Tool

16.Repeat steps 4-15 above for each manager in your list.

17.To select columns displayed in the Employee Lists under review by managers, see Choose Columns.

18.Click OK.


Note: An ERI account can only have one Manager Audit Coordinator set up to create manager audit assignments.


To Change a Department Manager's Assignment

1.Log in as the Manager Audit Coordinator.  

2.Open the Manager Audit Tool.

3.Click Refresh Available Managers to view the available manager(s) tied to your account.

4.Click Edit for a specific manager.

5.To edit the manager's assignment, click and select Edit. In the Edit Assignment modal, change the Assignment Name, Department(s), and/or Assignment Instructions.

6.To delete the manager's assignment, click and select Delete.  Deleting the assignment of an activated manager will reset the manager's account.  All work completed in the manager's assigned Employee List will be lost. Click Yes, delete to complete the deletion.

7.To create a new assignment for the selected manager, click Add Assignment and follow steps 7-14 above under To Give a Department Manager an Assignment.

8.To deactivate the manager, select Deactivate in the Status field.  Deactivating this manager will remove the assignment from the manager's account. All work completed in the manager's assignment will be lost. Click Yes, deactivate to complete the deactivation.

9.Click OK.


Note: Changing the assigned department of an activated manager will reset the manager's account, and all work completed in the manager's assigned Employee List will be lost.


To Customize Columns

See Manage Columns


Note: When an administrator opens the Manage Columns modal from the Manager Audit Tool, the columns selected will be the columns displayed when a department manager navigates to the Employee List to review and make any changes.


In the Employee List in Compensation Management, some columns of data may be unavailable in your subscription. Contact ERI to integrate survey data into Compensation Management.


To Complete a Manager Audit

1.Log in as a department manager.  This requires a specific subscription assigned in your ERI account.

2.Navigate to the Salary Assessor. This opens the Compensation Management Dashboard with instructions on how to complete your audit.

3.Navigate to the Employee List to access your assigned section.  (The department manager is only responsible for auditing the Employee List, so only this tab and the Dashboard of Compensation Management are available to this user.)

4.Select the Incentive Eligible option of Yes or No for each employee.

5.Adjust the Performance for each employee to the appropriate level.  This will automatically set the merit increase to HR's target.

6.Adjust the Actual % Increase OR Actual Incentive above or below HR's target, as needed. If you do not stay within the range specified by HR, then you will receive a warning message.

7.Although Incentive Eligible, Performance, Actual % Increase, and Actual Incentive should be the primary focus for manager audit, other columns in the Employee List may be modified, as needed. Department and Internal Job Title are read-only for the manager.

8.Once your audit is complete, click Submit Assignment in the top right corner of the Employee List.

9.Select Submit Selected Assignment OR Submit Select ALL Assignments.

10.Assignments cannot be edited once submitted. Click Yes, I'm Sure to confirm your submission. This will send your changes to the Manager Audit Coordinator for review and approval.


Note:  After clicking Submit, the manager’s Employee List becomes read-only while it is pending review by the Manager Audit Coordinator.  


To Review the Manager Audit

1.Log in as the Manager Audit Coordinator.

2.Navigate to the Compensation Management Dashboard.

3.The Manager Audit Tool includes a Status column that displays a To Be Reviewed notification when the manager's audit is ready for review. Click on the To Be Reviewed notification to display more information about the assignment pending review.

4.Click the Pending Review link to open the Employee Assignment Review modal.

5.In the Employee Assignment Review modal, select an Assignment from the drop-down list for the selected manager.

6.The Employee Assignment Review modal displays the employees reviewed by the manager and changes made to specific columns.  A warning symbol will indicate if if changes were made to columns other than those displayed (e.g., hire date).  Click on an individual employee row to view details in the Changes field, including manager's adjusted value and Manager Audit Coordinator's previous value.  

7.Click Accept to accept the manager's changes. If you accept the changes, the manager’s edits will overwrite the Manager Audit Coordinator’s Employee List details, and the manager’s account will remain locked for editing.

8.Select Accept ALL Assignments (all Employee Assignments from the currently selected Manager) OR Accept Assignment (only the currently selected Employee Assignment)

9.Click Don't Accept to reject the manager's changes.  If you reject the changes, the Manager Audit Coordinator’s Employee List details will not be updated, and the manager’s account will be unlocked for editing. The status of the assignment will revert to Pending Submission, and the manager will need to re-edit the list and resubmit for review.

10.Select Reject ALL Assignments (all Employee Assignments from the currently selected Manager) OR Reject Assignment (only the currently selected Employee Assignment)

11.Click Yes, I'm Sure to confirm your review choice.


To View the Audit Status

1.Log in as the Manager Audit Coordinator.

2.Navigate to the Compensation Management Dashboard and view the Manager Audit Tool.

3.The Status column displays the progress of each audit assigned to a manager and the number of assignments, with these four types:

Queued: The manager has been given an assignment, and the Status is Deactivated.

Pending Submission: The manager has been given an assignment, and the Status is Activated.

Pending Review: The manager has submitted the assignment to the Manager Audit Coordinator for review. This audit Status includes a Pending Review link allowing the Manager Audit Coordinator to open the Employee List Review modal directly from the Manager Audit Tool.

Complete: The Manager Audit Coordinator has accepted the manager's submission.