Using XA FAQ #3

Frequently Asked Questions

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Using XA FAQ #3

Frequently Asked Questions

QUESTION:  Can I alter the graphs?


The Executive Compensation Assessor allow for the varying of the X- and Y-axis.  


Graph Data

The graph presentation of data will display mean or median (depending upon your selection) Salary Range data for the job and organization data specified.  In many cases, you may note that the graph displayed is a series of three curved lines, reflecting data stored as an "nth degree" polynomial equation.


X-Axis: For executive titles and certain industries, organization size will define the X-axis.  Size will be either revenue (most industries), assets, fiscal year budget (FYB), or number of employees, depending upon the industry and jobs specified.


Y-Axis: The Y-axis shows the salary range by size of organization.  All US area comparisons default to display US dollars.  All Canadian area comparisons default to display Canadian dollars.   Similarly, all UK and European areas default to display the local currencies.


See Salary Graph