Edit User-Defined Average

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Edit User-Defined Average

To Edit a Previously Defined User-Defined Average

1.From any of the main tables:  Click the Adjustments to Compensation Analyses field.  In the Salary Adjustments screen, click the Averages button to the right of "Location (city)."

From the Geographic List table:  Click a cell in the Geographic Area column of the main table.  In the Select Area screen, click the User-Defined Average button at the bottom of the window.

2.In the User Defined Averages screen, click the (edit) button and enter a new name for your average.  Click the OK button.

3.Under States/Provinces, Counties, or Cities, click the Add button to add new areas, or click on a previously selected area and click the Delete button to delete an area. Please Note: Averaging areas in more than one country is not allowed.

4.Click the OK button.


To Select a Previously Defined User-Defined Average

See Select User-Defined Average


To Create a User-Defined Average

See Create User-Defined Average


To Import a User-Defined Average

See Import User-Defined Average