Import Areas

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Import Areas

The Geographic Assessor (GA) allows users to import a list of areas to the Comparison List - Labor or Comparison List - COL table.  


To import these areas, first save your area list.  Create a list of user-defined averages, postal codes, cities, states, or countries using a program like Microsoft Excel and save it as a .CSV (comma delimited) file.  ERI provides users with a .CSV file template to simplify the upload process.


If you attempt to upload another file format, then this message is displayed: "We currently only support '.csv' file format for upload."


To Create a .CSV File

1.Click the button in the Comparison List - Labor, Comparison List - COL, or Estimated Per Diems to download and save a .CSV file template.

2.Open the .CSV file template using a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.

3.Fill out the template.  Required columns are designated with an asterisk (*). One of these three column options is acceptable:


City, State (and Nation if the list includes cities outside the U.S./Canada) OR

ZIP Code (or Postal Code for locations outside the U.S.) OR

CityState (used for U.S./Canada locations where the City and State are separated by a comma but are in a single Excel column).


4.Once the table is complete, give the file a unique name (different from the template file name) and save the file in a .CSV (comma delimited) format.  

5.Close the .CSV file.


Note:  States can be listed in full or using abbreviations (e.g. Washington or WA) in the State column.  Canadian provinces must be listed under State.  See Assessor Series FAQ #40 for suggestions on how to format ZIP codes correctly in Excel for export to an Assessor Series application.  Any data that is not formatted correctly in the .CSV file will not be displayed in the Comparison List - Labor or Comparison List - COL.  


To Import a .CSV File

1.Click the button in the Comparison List - Labor, Comparison List - COL, or Estimated Per Diems.  

2.In the Upload Areas dialog, enter a name to be used to save this list.

3.Select Create new list OR Append to currently selected list.

4.Click Browse to select a file in the .CSV format and then click Open. Then click OK.  

5.In the Upload list from file dialog, the rows that have been successfully imported are displayed.  If the .CSV file contains any errors, then a message will display the number of errors encountered during the import and will list the data needing review.

6.To export the results to Excel, click .  

7.In the Choose Export Preferences dialog, select one of more of these options to export:




8.Click OK in the Choose Export Preferences dialog.

9.Only the top 1,000 imported areas are displayed in the upload module and the main table.  To view a spreadsheet containing the full list of imported areas, click Get Upload Results in the upload module OR Export to Excel in the main table.  

10.Click OK in the Upload list from file dialog to return to the Comparison List - Labor, Comparison List - COL, or Estimated Per Diems.  


Note: The Enhanced Edition of the Geographic Assessor allows the user to upload up to 50,000 areas to the Comparison List - Labor, Comparison List - COL, or Estimated Per Diems.


See My Organizations to share lists (or make them private) and manage permission status.


To Create a User-Defined Average

See Create User-Defined Average


To Import a User-Defined Average

See Import a User-Defined Average


To Export a Comparison List

See Export to PDF and Export to Excel


To Use a Pre-defined List of Areas

See Pre-defined Lists


To Create an Organization Profile

See My Organizations


To View a List of All ERI Areas

See Data Availability