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Monthly Rent
Square footage and monthly rent value are used in calculating the total annual "Rent/Utilities" category. This monthly rent value may be modified by the user to affect the total annual rental payments.
For the estimated Monthly Rent prices, data on average and median rent price per square foot on a 900 square foot (2 bed room), unfurnished higher-quality apartment (specifically, Class A and Class B in North American terms) is collected.
Class A Apartments – These are new, larger apartments in prime locations. These properties are typically occupied by white collar workers and have amenities such as garages, in-unit washer/dryers, pools, spas, exercise gyms, the latest technology, etc. They are typically between 1-10 years old.
Class B Apartments - Class B buildings are in good areas with many of the same amenities as Class A properties, but Class B buildings are 10-20 years old and occupied by both white and blue collar workers. Class B properties are often owned by investment groups, such as limited partnerships and limited liability companies.
Estimated Apartment Rental prices assume a standard lease (usually 1-year) is signed. (The data is not based on short-stay or serviced apartments.) The same geographic assumptions and data standards used for home prices are applied to data collection/survey procedures.
Please note: In International locations, every attempt is made to collect apartment rental data that is compatible among countries. Local housing customs, leasing standards and amenities typically included are considered in the estimated rental prices. Data is collect for ex-pat and international favored neighborhoods (typically in locations surrounding the international schools and shopping) and averaged to determine the estimated Monthly Rent prices for each city.
Estimated Home Value
Buying price of a home, with square footage at default or as specified by the user. This value is used to calculate annual mortgage payments, interest deductions, etc., after initial down payment. See Housing Assumptions for an explanation of the House Payment Assumptions screen.
Also see Estimated Home Value, Two City Comparison and US Mortgage Interest Deduction - Two Kinds of Debt for more information.