Browse Industries

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Browse Industries

To Select an Industry

1.Click the Adjustments to Compensation Analyses button.  This will take you to the Salary Adjustments dialog.
2.Click the Browse button under "Industry."  This will take you to the Browse Industries dialog box.  
3.You will have the option of selecting from several industry categories (click the industry folder name to see sub-listings).  Click on an industry to select it from the second, third, or fourth level.  You will also have the option of searching for an industry containing a certain word or phrase.
a.Click the Search Industries button.
b.Type the desired text in the "Search for industry containing this text" field and click the Search button.  
c.All industry categories containing the words entered in the search field are displayed, along with the corresponding eSIC, NAICS, and usSEC code.
d.Click on an industry to select it from the list.  Once you have made your selection, click the OK button.
4.When the desired industry is displayed in the Salary Adjustments dialog, click the OK button to return to the main table.


See Salaries by Experience/Size Background - Industry for more information.


Note:  The label “Industry data breakout not available” means that the occupation in question does not have enough industry variation to warrant analysis by industry. These occupations are frequently found in healthcare industries. For example, a Neurosurgeon practices in a very narrow range of healthcare industries. This means that data for this position are not available in industries like “Automotive Manufacturing,” and attempting to analyze this occupation in such an industry would not work.